Provox Micron HME

Not only an HME, but also an effective bacteria, virus, pollen and dust filter.

Key Features

  • A highly-effective bacterial and viral filter (≥99% efficiency) (Data on file)
  • Reduces coughing and mucus production (Data on file)
  • Non-sterile, for single use.
  • Note: Provox Micron filtration capacity may vary depending on the size, shape and speed of airborne particles. Since there are other pathways for pathogens to enter your body, Provox Micron cannot guarantee total protection.
Watch this video about what happens inside your lungs when you are using an HME and when you are not using an HME.

Attachments, including adhesives and laryngectomy tubes, make it possible for you to use a Heat and Moisture Exchanger (HME) in front of your stoma


View all our manuals,  go to IFU - Instructions For Use

Do you want to know more about Provox Micron HME?
